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A couple months ago, I recorded a podcast about Big A and little a accessibility.

Today, it’s live!

You can listen here: https://em360tech.com/podcast/breaking-barriers-data-visualization

This is a short listen (15 min) with some techniques that are hopefully super obvious if you’ve been following my work for a while.

It’s also a good one to forward to colleagues who are just learning about dataviz and accessibility.


00:00 – Introduction

00:54 – Defining Accessibility in Data Visualization

02:17 – Big A Accessibility Tips

06:36 – Little a Accessibility Strategies

12:28 – The Future of Data Accessibility

More about Ann K. Emery
Ann K. Emery is a sought-after speaker who is determined to get your data out of spreadsheets and into stakeholders’ hands. Each year, she leads more than 100 workshops, webinars, and keynotes for thousands of people around the globe. Her design consultancy also overhauls graphs, publications, and slideshows with the goal of making technical information easier to understand for non-technical audiences.

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