• Great post! Your brain IS the best visualization tool, but only is you feed it with appropriate knowledge first.
    So read this 3-step tutorial on how to choose the right chart, it will help your brain decide: http://zebra.bi/blog/2014/10/23/how-to-choose-the-right-chart/

  • This is a fantastic post. With systems like Watson Analytics promising much more automation do you think that’s a sign of steps being taken to make machines more intelligent? How do you think those technologies will impact the points you make in this post?

  • Thanks Ann for this post. There´s so much theoretical stuff out there from Few, Tufte and Hichert about this topic. I think “it depends”! 🙂 So you have to try what fits best for your reports users, quickly deliver a 0.9 version of the report or dashboard and then iterate it together with the users!

  • Plieka says:

    Great post Ann, This is what students often ask, what to change to make it look better. Another post to add to the list.

  • […] ABER: Welches Visualisierungswerkzeug ist das Beste EVER? Dein Gehirn. Warum? Weil es einfach Fragen gibt, die nur du beantworten kannst. […]

  • […] One day soon, we’ll stop arguing about which software program is best, and we’ll agree that our brains are the best visualization tools of all time. […]

  • […] whose salespeople pretend that their software is a magic bullet for dataviz. I believe that the best data visualization tool of all time is your brain, and the second best is sketching with paper and pencil… or even Play-Doh! When I discovered […]

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    The Best Visualization Tool of All Time

    Updated on: Dec 9th, 2014
    Data Visualization
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    Two charts side by side where one shows all the peaks and valleys (line) and the other focuses on just two points in time (slope).

    It’s your brain.

    A few of the million+ decisions your software program can’t make for you:

    10. Which chart is best for your data. Yes, I’m well aware of Excel’s Suggested Charts feature. No, don’t even think about it. There’s no substitute for your critical thinking skills.

    9. How much ink is necessary. Will your viewers benefit from light gray grid lines, or should you remove them altogether? Ask 10 different people and you’ll get 10 different opinions. You’ll have to think yourself outta this one.
    Two almost identical charts side by side - one has no horizontal lines to eliminate some of the ink used.
    8. How many decimal places are needed. One argument is that decimal places add precision – if you’ve got decimal places, why not display them? Another argument is that our datasets are rarely complete enough, cleaned enough, or generally accurate enough to warrant giving the viewers lots of decimal places (and therefore, a false sense of precision).
    Two almost identical charts side by side but one uses fewer decimal points in order to use less ink.
    7. Whether you’re going to stick with a default color scheme (please, NO) or customize your color palette to match your client’s brand identity.

    (And who chose Excel 2013’s color palettes, anyway? Lime green, royal blue, and orange? But that’s an article for another day.)
    Default color palette vs. custom color palette
    6. The extent to which you’ll label your data. Do your viewers need to see every point on the line, or just the beginning and end points? Or just the highest line? Or just the lowest line?
    Two charts side by side where one labels every point and the other only the beginning and the end.
    5. Whether your chart needs to be rotated to avoid diagonal text. In this scenario the answer is yes! rotate that chart! but your software program won’t automatically do this for you. You’ll have to determine whether your data labels need some additional space, and if so, swap your vertical bar chart for a horizontal bar chart.
    Two charts that show the same data but one has slanted text while the other has been rotated so the text is presented horizontally.

    4. Whether your viewers need aggregated or disaggregated data. It doesn’t matter how much you paid for your software program. Your computer doesn’t know whether your viewers would benefit from a single visual that contains aggregated information or whether your viewers need to make comparisons across four different variables simultaneously through a small multiples layoutBut yes! Your brain! It knows!
    One large image of the Untied States to show data versus four small outlines of the United States to show data.

    3. Whether your viewers will really understand that diverging stacked bar chart, or whether you should just stick to a regular old stacked bar chart.
    A diverging stacked bar chart versus a regular old stacked bar chart.

    2. Which patterns to emphasize and which patterns to hide, like whether viewers need to see all the peaks and valleys (line) or whether you need them to focus on just two points in time (slope).
    Two charts side by side where one shows all the peaks and valleys (line) and the other focuses on just two points in time (slope).

    1. And in case it isn’t obvious yet, your audience is pretty darn important. Your software program will never understand your audience’s numeracy level, data visualization level, interests, time limitations, or information needs as well as you.

    More about Ann K. Emery
    Ann K. Emery is a sought-after speaker who is determined to get your data out of spreadsheets and into stakeholders’ hands. Each year, she leads more than 100 workshops, webinars, and keynotes for thousands of people around the globe. Her design consultancy also overhauls graphs, publications, and slideshows with the goal of making technical information easier to understand for non-technical audiences.


  • Great post! Your brain IS the best visualization tool, but only is you feed it with appropriate knowledge first.
    So read this 3-step tutorial on how to choose the right chart, it will help your brain decide: http://zebra.bi/blog/2014/10/23/how-to-choose-the-right-chart/

  • This is a fantastic post. With systems like Watson Analytics promising much more automation do you think that’s a sign of steps being taken to make machines more intelligent? How do you think those technologies will impact the points you make in this post?

  • Thanks Ann for this post. There´s so much theoretical stuff out there from Few, Tufte and Hichert about this topic. I think “it depends”! 🙂 So you have to try what fits best for your reports users, quickly deliver a 0.9 version of the report or dashboard and then iterate it together with the users!

  • Plieka says:

    Great post Ann, This is what students often ask, what to change to make it look better. Another post to add to the list.

  • […] ABER: Welches Visualisierungswerkzeug ist das Beste EVER? Dein Gehirn. Warum? Weil es einfach Fragen gibt, die nur du beantworten kannst. […]

  • […] One day soon, we’ll stop arguing about which software program is best, and we’ll agree that our brains are the best visualization tools of all time. […]

  • […] whose salespeople pretend that their software is a magic bullet for dataviz. I believe that the best data visualization tool of all time is your brain, and the second best is sketching with paper and pencil… or even Play-Doh! When I discovered […]

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